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Global Certification Systems of Key Importance in the South African Fruit Industry's Access to International Markets

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4780-2.ch003


The chapter focused on assessing the nature of voluntary sustainability standards (VSSs) that affect South Africa's producers of horticultural produce (fruits in particular) destined for markets within Europe and Africa. Eight VSSs affecting South Africa's fruit trade with Europe and within Africa under food safety and traceability themes were identified. The outcomes of global certification as a requirement to participate in global international markets are outlined, with a specific focus on the implication of these standards for smallholder farmers. Given the independent nature of the end goals from the institutions responsible for these VSSs, it becomes problematic and impractical to argue that VSSs that focus on similar thematic areas, e.g., GLOBALG.A.P. Crops and IFOAM, be merged into one standard. Thus, it is prudent that smallholder producers outrightly identify a specific target market and the corresponding standard requirements such that activities are undertaken in accordance with what the market needs.