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Call to Action

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JHMS.2021070107
Published by: IGI Global


Low quality healthcare services can hinder economic and social development, result in premature death and disability, and waste human capital. To compound pre-pandemic healthcare access and equity issues, the quality of care that is delivered in low, lower-middle, as well as in high-income OECD countries can be uneven, poorly funded, and without adherence to standardization. COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of high-quality healthcare, while exacerbating many challenges. How services are delivered and the underlying guidance or standards that support the delivery of high-quality care are not necessarily a part of the regular healthcare reform dialog. This position paper introduces a new standard, ISO CD 7101, that seeks to address problems and offer solutions for the quality of healthcare delivered globally. This paper describes the need for such a standard, its history, advantages, and how it answers the global call to action set forth by the OECD, the World Bank, and the World Health Organization.