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Information Management in the Logistics and Distribution Sector Using Metaheuristic Techniques

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJISSCM.305850
Published by: IGI Global


Information systems (IS) influence logistic and distribution management on sourcing, planning, delivery, and levels ranging from strategic operations to organizational strategy. Information management is a challenging task in logistics and distribution across the business. The supply chain has been increasingly accepted as a significant aid to cut costs and boost services. This paper proposes meta-heuristic techniques (MHT) for effective information management in logistics and distribution, from manufacturers to customers, security, a significant focus on collaboration of operations, co-operation, communication, and knowledge exchange across the supply chain. Modern organizations need advanced decision support systems focused on operative statistical modeling and solution methods and information and communication technology developments to adapt to the integration challenge. It suggests that metaheuristics can play an essential role in addressing complex logistical challenges from logistic architecture and management within the supply chain.