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Public Libraries in the Post-COVID-19 Era

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJCRMM.306247
Published by: IGI Global


The COVID-19 pandemic created a new reality for the educational sector in both formal and informal institutions. Educators in the UAE continued to offer classes and to communicate with their students virtually. Libraries, too, were able to continue to offer their educational services and provide free access to their digital environment for all ages around the public and private schools and universities. Technology has the potential to continue offering more advanced services to both universities and libraries. These services can be reimagined and introduced according to the new needs and demands after the pandemic and through business concepts. This paper explores the teachers’ and librarians’ perceptions on collaborating together within a common smart pedagogical approach, and the possibility it carries to improve the quality of their educational services. A case study was conducted in one of the library’s chain in the UAE to explore how smart technologies can promote productive collaboration between formal and informal education.