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Drivers of Mobile Money Services Development in Zimbabwe

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJEBR.2021010104


This study sought to identify the drivers of mobile money services development in Zimbabwe using Ecocash as a case study. Through purposive sampling, respondents were selected from financial institutions, regulatory bodies, customers, and agents. The research showed that in Zimbabwe the development of mobile money services is influenced by several factors such as a high mobile telephone penetration rate, a high number of unbanked people owing to poor access to traditional banking services, a lower level of internet penetration levels, customer awareness of the service because of aggressive branding, security and ease of use, and a dense networks of agents. Fast technology diffusion was also a factor that influenced the fast adoption of mobile money services in Zimbabwe. More research is needed to assess the impediments in countries where the adoption of mobile money services has not been as spectacular as in Zimbabwe or Kenya.