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User Modeling and Profiling in Information Systems

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.307116
Published by: IGI Global


User modeling or user profiling is fundamental to manage information overload issues in many adaptive and personalized systems (e.g., recommender systems, personalized search engines, adaptive user interfaces). Although there are some literature review papers that provide an overview of existing studies in user modeling and their usage, there is currently a lack of bibliometric studies that can provide a systematic and quantitative overview of this research area. Therefore, this paper aims to complete the existing literature in this research area through a bibliometric study based on 52,027 relevant publications extracted from Scopus, a world-leading publisher-independent global citation database. The analyses enabled us to identify the most relevant publications, sources of publications, authors, institutions, countries, and their collaboration. We also identify and classify the twelve most important associated topics, along with their subtopics and their trends. Some identified weak signals in topic trend analysis also provide good ideas of potential future research directions.