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Correlation of University Lecturer Leadership Styles, Students Satisfaction, and Learning Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJTEE.308468
Published by: IGI Global


Online English teaching has become more important in China during the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers begin to focus on the research of university lecturers’ online leadership styles in helping improve students’ English learning. As there is a lack of systematic research and educational practices of lecturers’ online leadership styles, the need arises to study the lecturers’ leadership styles perceived by the students from an international perspective using quantitative approach. Through a correlational analysis, this study revealed that lecturers’ online leadership styles affected students’ English learning and lecturers exhibited more transactional and transformational leadership styles moderately in online learning. There was a strong correlation between lecturers’ leadership styles and students’ learning satisfaction but there was no statistically significant relationship between students’ satisfaction and learning outcomes. Further research was suggested to explore the influence of the leadership styles in other sub-disciplines of higher education in China.