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Building Resilience and Mitigating Impacts of Uncertainties in Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Kenya

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.333860


Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) has emerged as an avenue through which Kenya aims to fast track her ambition for upper-middle-income economy status, together with the realization of the Big 4 Agenda. However, like other sectors, the TVET sector has shown its vulnerability to sudden and disruptive events manifested by the inability to conduct online training in the wake of the novel Covid-19 pandemic. Such vulnerability has necessitated the need for TVETs to embrace change in training to build resilience in TVET institutions. The Leagile framework has proven to be a stochastic dynamic decision-making tool to handle excursion events in the modern supply chain occasioned by uncertain and turbulent markets. The article adopts a self-completion survey via SMS that targets TVET trainers drawn from TVET institutions in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Data is collected using a structured questionnaire administered via SMS. The multiple regressions analysis results confirm that Leagile pedagogy positively and significantly influences resilience building.