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The Impact Between Motivational Potential Characteristics of Job and Job Satisfaction

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.325650


This study explored the relationship between the motivational potential characteristics of a job (measured by motivating potential scores or MPS) and job satisfaction and the moderation effect of personality traits. The results showed that the agreeableness personality trait could not significantly predict job satisfaction. However, the higher the MPS and the higher the agreeableness among the employees, the higher the job satisfaction tendency. Conscientiousness and job satisfaction had a significantly positive correlation. The interaction between MPS and conscientiousness also had a significantly positive impact on job satisfaction. The results showed that job satisfaction tended to decline under the interaction of MPS and extraversion. In addition, the interaction of MPS with neuroticism also had a significant effect on job satisfaction. The interaction between MPS and openness to experience had no significant effect on job satisfaction. However, the higher the MPS and the higher the openness of experience of the worker, the higher the job satisfaction.