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A DNA Sequencing Medical Image Encryption System (DMIES) Using Chaos Map and Knight's Travel Map

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJRQEH.308803
Published by: IGI Global


This research aims to devise a method of encrypting medical images based on chaos map, Knight's travel map, affine transformation, and DNA cryptography to prevent attackers from accessing the data. The proposed DMIES cryptographic system performs the chaos intertwining logistic map diffusion and confusion process on chosen pixels of medical images. The DNA structure of the medical image has generated using all eight DNA encoding rules that are dependent on the pixel positions in the medical image. Knight's travel map is decomposed, which helps to prevent tampering and certification after the diffusion process. Finally, to avoid the deformity of medical data, a shear-based affine transformation is used. Compared to existing standard image encryption systems, the extensive and complete security assessment highlights the relevance and benefits of the proposed DMIES cryptosystem. The proposed DMIES can also withstand various attacks like statistical, differential, exhaustive, cropping, and noise attack.