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Understanding Universal Adversarial Attack and Defense on Graph

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJSWIS.308812
Published by: IGI Global


Compared with traditional machine learning model, graph neural networks (GNNs) have distinct advantages in processing unstructured data. However, the vulnerability of GNNs cannot be ignored. Graph universal adversarial attack is a special type of attack on graph which can attack any targeted victim by flipping edges connected to anchor nodes. In this paper, we propose the forward-derivative-based graph universal adversarial attack (FDGUA). Firstly, we point out that one node as training data is sufficient to generate an effective continuous attack vector. Then we discretize the continuous attack vector based on forward derivative. FDGUA can achieve impressive attack performance that three anchor nodes can result in attack success rate higher than 80% for the dataset Cora. Moreover, we propose the first graph universal adversarial training (GUAT) to defend against universal adversarial attack. Experiments show that GUAT can effectively improve the robustness of the GNNs without degrading the accuracy of the model.