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Impact of Celebrities on the Buying Behaviour of Consumers

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJBSA.309376


Buying behaviour process goes through many steps which involves many factors affecting its decisions to purchase a good for which final consumption. Here, the recommendation of celebrities has more considerable emotional impact which affects the buying behaviour of a consumer. Nowadays a consumer is very fascinated towards the thing which is popular among the high demand society which is used and recommended by upper-class people and so-called celebrity. A consumer is inquisitive, which are being used by the celebrities and price to follow their reviews. The consumer feels more sympathetic towards a brand if their products were promoted by a celebrity they admire. The purpose of the study is to know how people get more attracted towards the recommendation of the celebrities and how he tries to adopt it in his daily routine. In this research, questioner was sent to the total 200 respondents through social media platforms among which most of them were between the age group of 20-30. The data analyzed by making graph and diagram through the response collected from the questionnaire.