On-demand home service application (HSA) is a technological advancement that has brought various day-to-day services to our doorstep with just a few clicks. By using consumer-perceived values (utilitarian, hedonic, and social), trust transfer theory, and commitment-trust theory, the present study aims to investigate the factors influencing sharing intention and repurchase intention of consumers towards using HSAs on their mobile phones. This study involves collecting data from 357 respondents in India and analyzing the same using the SmartPLS 3 software. The results indicate that trust in HSA is influenced by utilitarian value and social value, but not by hedonic value. Trust in HSA results in repurchase intention, commitment, and sharing intention. Interestingly, trust in the user community affects sharing intention but not repurchase intention and commitment. The study integrates the consumer-perceived value, trust transfer theory, and commitment-trust theory to build an integrative framework that explains the consumers' sharing and repurchase intentions towards HSAs.