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Intention to Use Online Platform and Application for Funeral Comprehensive Services for Deceased Relatives via Smartphone in Thailand

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJESMA.358107


This paper addresses demographic factors affecting the use of the funeral service on online funeral service application in Thailand. The user demographics the author considered in this study were gender, age, educational attainment, and average monthly income. The factors influencing the intention to use the online platforms and application for comprehensive funeral service application via smartphone included TAM model, perceived financial risk, social influence and 4Es marketing mix. The author collected data by questionnaires and received completed questionnaires from 469 respondents. The researcher analyzed collected data using descriptive statistics, including percentage, means, and standard deviation, and tested the hypothesis using multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that the factors influencing the intention to use the online funeral service application via smartphone in Thailand at a statistically significance level of 0.05 were social influence, customer experience in the 4Es marketing mix, perceived usefulness in TAM, and perceived financial risk, respectively.