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Patient-Centric Multichain Healthcare Record

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJEHMC.309439
Published by: IGI Global


In this paper, the authors have amplified the concept that EHRs need to be patient-centric and patient-driven, that is the patient should be the real owner as well as the manager of his medical records. The authors propose patient-centric multichain healthcare record (PCMHR) that implements health records using smart contracts on ethereum blockchain and also utilizes the multichain framework - Polygon. PCMHR can concurrently implement blockchain functionality while addressing the concerns of interoperability among authorized hospitals and patient health information confidentiality that damages our healthcare system. The authors propose a solution to fully decentralize the current medical healthcare system by storing PCMHR on IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) to resolve the limitation of blockchain-based applications in scalability and high cost. The authors have depicted the cost and time analysis of transactions on the polygon framework to give a clear view of this multichain framework and its advantages over the ethereum blockchain.