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Spintronics Based Non-Volatile MRAM for Intelligent Systems

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJSWIS.310056
Published by: IGI Global


In this paper the spintronic-based memory MRAM is presented that showed how it can replace both SRAM and DRAM and provide the high speed with great chip size. Moreover, MRAM is the nonvolatile memory that provides great advancement in the storage process. The different types of MRAM are mentioned with the techniques used for writing purpose and also mention which one is more used and why. The basic working principle and the function performed by the MRAM are discussed. Artificial intelligence (AI) is mentioned with its pros and cons for intelligent systems. Neuromorphic computing is also explained along with its important role in intelligent systems. Some reasons are also discussed as to why neuromorphic computing is so important. This paper also presents how spintronic-based devices especially memory can be used in intelligent systems and neuromorphic computing. Nanoscale spintronic-based MRAM plays a key role in intelligent systems and neuromorphic computing applications.