Based on the LSTM neural network, the author proposes a new data-driven spatial load prediction method to analyze the time series within the neural network, avoid data depression, and determine the correlation of the training data space. Establish prediction models based on different neurons, reduce the dimensionality of collected data through data preprocessing, and ensure data integrity. At the same time, provide data management base, control model input and output, unify process model, ensure training sequence model, combine LSTM neural network model, select prediction method, and finish data-driven related transportation. Experimental results show that the data driven global load forecasting model based on LSTM neural network proposed in this paper takes 1.23 seconds to complete 8000 training data, when traditional data drive spatial load forecasting method based on CNN neural network takes 3.56 seconds to finish 8000 training data. It can be seen that the prediction method proposed in this article has a good prediction accuracy.