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Exploring Language Teachers' Perceptions of Corpus Literacy Skills at Pre-Tertiary Level

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJCALLT.352064


This study proposes five components of corpus literacy skills (CL) based on a survey of previous studies to investigate in-service teachers' perceived CL skills. Subsequently, the relationships among these components will be explored. In addition, this study investigates whether age and teaching experience have an effect on perceived CL skills. Finally, this study reports on the in-service teacher's point of view of having CL skills, as well as their limitations. A total of 105 female teachers self-reported their proficiency levels in CL skills as moderate to satisfactory. They were more confident in the fifth component, which was creating teaching materials using corpora output. We hypothesised that teachers' CL skills were linked to age and experience, in which the fifth component correlated negatively with teachers' ages and teaching experiences. In addition, this study sheds light on the importance of the search component of CL skills, as it is a fundamental skill that influences the acquisition of other skills.