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Using Virtual Book Clubs to Elevate Discussion and Diverse Voices

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7375-4.ch016
Published by: IGI Global


Preservice teachers in educator preparation programs (EPPs) are rarely cognizant of programmatic structures outside their own EPP. This lack of awareness isolates preservice teachers within their own programs and university cultures. As teacher educators, the authors wondered: How might interacting with peers in other EPPs bolster our preservice teachers' disciplinary literacies, praxis, and cultural competency? How might cross-institutional virtual interaction expand preservice teachers' pre-professional networking opportunities? Virtual book clubs offer a structured way for preservice teachers to experience peer interaction across institutions and cultural contexts. These book clubs provide opportunities for preservice teachers to explore a diverse array of cultural, societal, and professional perspectives as they prepare to enter teaching as young professionals.