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Teacher Self-Efficacy Beliefs and the Integration of Interactive Website Wikispaces Classroom

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJWLTT.313192
Published by: IGI Global


Some components of the knowledge and skills required for teaching using 21st century technology can be assessed with reasonable confidence. The researcher conducted a study intended to determine the factors that affect teacher self-efficacy—that is, their evaluation of their own competence using the interactive educational website Wikispaces Classroom in various teaching fields. The participants were 44 pre-service teachers from various levels of the education system. The study was based on qualitative and quantitative methods. To obtain the qualitative data, the researcher administered a pre-survey and post-survey to measure the teachers' self-efficacy beliefs regarding the integration of the interactive website at the initial use and after or teachers and asked them to clarify their perspectives on how high self-efficacy had affected their use of the interactive website. The researcher distributed a questionnaire to uncover these factors. The findings showed how the use of the technology affected the teachers' self-efficacy in their use of the interactive learning website.