Cover Image for System.Linq.Enumerable+EnumerablePartition`1[System.Char]


OAI: DOI: 10.4018/ijwltt.313202
Published by: IGI Global


Although there are many education information management systems (EMISs) that currently apply administrative development, they contain limited powers, thus leading to the emergence of problems—the most important and damaging of which being the loss of data quality and ensuring how to verify the validity the education and training information management systems (ETMIS) have all emerged within the world to solve these problems, and considering these systems are widely deployed within Arabian, regional educational, and training institutions, each system has both advantages and disadvantages. This study proposed a unique approach for the ETMIS utilizing an open platform with the goal of supporting management, planning, and dissemination of the education and training systems for all in order to support decision-making and is concerned with improving capacity and centralisation and reliability of information.