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Fatigue Monitoring and Recognition During Basketball Sports via Physiological Signal Analysis

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJISMD.313581
Published by: IGI Global


Fatigue is a feeling that appears after the human body undergoes excessive physical or mental work. The fatigue may reduce the ability to complete work. When sport fatigue occurs, the athlete's heart load continues to increase, muscles become sore, flexibility is reduced, thinking and judgment become slow, and the athlete is easily irritated. Thus, it is necessary to monitor the athlete's status during sports, such as playing basketball. Generally, the ion current in the body will change when the athlete suffers fatigue. That means the sport fatigue may cause changes in the bioelectric signals of the human body. This paper adopts bioelectric signals to analyze athlete status to prevent sport fatigue during basketball. The experiments on a basketball sport dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.