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Noninvasive Conductivity and Temperature Sensing using Magnetic Induction Spectroscopy Imaging

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The work presents a perspective in evaluating electromagnetic tomography reconstruction through a spectral eddy current imaging arrangement. Embarking from an established analytical basis, the spectroscopic relation of a metallic conductive body to its physical properties is revealed via multifrequency mutual impedance measurement. Characteristics are evident, from either modeling or experiment, on certain frequency ranges that discriminate the object's circumstances. Both the amplitude ratio and phase-contrast image spectrum show information on the conductivity and structure of a target considered pivotal for industrial applications. Two test cases are reported: liquid metal structure determination and contactless temperature evaluation of a remote/hidden medium/object. Using eddy current-based spectroscopic imaging data and appropriate calibration, this work, for the first time, demonstrates a novel thermal mapping system. This is a wireless and inductive-based temperature mapping device that can have great potential applications where none of the existing thermal measuring devices could work noninvasively.