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A Framework for Implementing a Computer-Based Knowledge Management System in Healthcare Organisations

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJKM.313640
Published by: IGI Global


Computer-based knowledge management systems provide sustainable management of organisational knowledge. The adoption of computer-based knowledge management systems assists organisations in harmonizing critical knowledge pertaining to their business procedures, and processes to effectively collaborate, reuse, and coordinate their efforts. However, available studies show that the implementation of computer-based knowledge management systems is problematic across a multitude of organisations, especially those in the healthcare sector. In this study, a framework and assessment tool were developed to enable healthcare organisations implement computer-based knowledge management systems successfully. The framework and assessment tool developed were tested as a proof of concept and the evaluation was done by two healthcare knowledge management executives and two industry experts. The framework provides implementation teams with a holistic approach, guidance, and conduct of good practice towards implementing a computer-based knowledge management system, which increases chances of success.