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Ultra Violet (UV) Light Irradiation Device for Hospital Disinfection

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJICTHD.313978
Published by: IGI Global


The biomedical technology application of ultraviolet light device was reviewed in the current research in a manner to improve public healthcare safety. The research adopted ultraviolet light irradiation to enable elimination of hospital acquired infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens within the healthcare facilities. The paper reviewed 12 related biomedical literature that discussed the topic of hospital disinfection using ultraviolet device technology. The paper observed that installation of autonomous internet of things 5G medical disinfecting device for continuous sterilisation of high-touch areas is important in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The research concluded that installation of autonomous internet of things 5G ultraviolet device within the hospital facilities will provide a means for infectious surveillance that will effectively control the menace of hospital acquired infections through ultraviolet light irradiation as the susceptibility of hospital acquired infections are exceedingly high in the overcrowded healthcare centres.