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Learning 3.0

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3809-1.ch006
Published by: IGI Global


The U.S. higher education system is struggling to adapt to the needs of modern society. Employers hire for specific skills and are increasingly looking outside of higher education degrees as those degrees fail to deliver needed skills. Across the country and globe, a growing number of innovative projects are underway to realign higher education's human and technological systems with the skills and competencies necessary for modern work and life. These projects illuminate core elements of the next paradigm of education. In this chapter, authors from Microsoft and LinkedIn highlight some of these promising innovations as well as the risks of this new paradigm. The core elements outlined in the chapter include skill-based education, verifiable credentials and learner records, the infusing of data and intelligence into personalized education-to-employment loops, the unbundling of higher education degrees and the separation of learning from the certification of skills, and new business models and sources of revenue in education.