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‘It’s hard to be what you can’t see’ - gender representation in marketing’s academic journals

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This commentary explores gender representation in marketing’s academic journals. We explore three key areas a) the gender composition of editorial boards, b) special issue celebrations and c) awards. We highlight how in 2020, 68% of editorial board positions are held by male colleagues, and consider the consequences of this both in terms of providing role models for female academics – ‘it’s hard to be what you can’t see’ (Wright Edelman, M. [2015]. Child watch® column: It’s hard to be what you can’t see. – but also in there being less opportunities for women to avail of key indicators of esteem utilised in promotions processes. We argue for an intersectional approach to addressing injustice and inequalities within our academy. We propose a programme for change – revolving around decision-making, quotas, awards, and celebrations – for the gatekeepers in our field to consider