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From Visual Culture in the Immersive Metaverse to Visual Cognition in Education

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7597-3.ch005
Published by: IGI Global


This chapter discusses visual culture in the immersive metaverse through the visual cognition lens. Visual cognition pertains to how we learn through visual means. As educators, we should be aware of how our students learn consciously and unconsciously through the visual sense so that we can help them navigate the immersive metaverse they encounter. Culture and visual culture are discussed. Visual perception, specifically schema and Gestalt, are explained. Learning in the immersive metaverse is as concrete as in the physical world; therefore, teaching students to decode images, perceive the metaverse, and think about images from multiple cultural backgrounds becomes an issue of special importance when education occurs in the visualized immersive metaverse.