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Does a user-friendly up-to-date pediatric education website improve faculty engagement in the educational program?


Medical Education websites are an important tool in communication, promotion and organization of a medical education program. These websites can also be used to deliver curriculum and manage assessment tools for learners. The key to an effective website is design and implementation based on the established principles of curriculum development which include; perform a needs assessment including all potential users of the website, use principles of adult learning theory when developing content and website function, design the website and curriculum to demonstrate educational effectiveness and include a mechanism for sustainability. The proposed project will include the development, implementation and evaluation of a Pediatric Education website. A needs assessment of faculty, staff, residents and students to determine the necessary components to be added to the site is being performed. Questions related to communication and engagement of faculty and residents regarding the educational program are included. The site is being developed with the expert assistance of the instructional designers in HSIMS. The proposed components of the website are: 1. an inviting and engaging Home Page with many local images, 2. Divisions- each division within the Janeway will have their own page. Each Division page will include: clinical services, Team members, Education and Research. 3. Faculty- Picture and a brief description from each of the faculty: listing the position, clinical interests, educational interests, research interests and any publications and lastly, contact information. 4. Education- this area will be divided into a) Undergraduate- a brief Overview of Pediatrics in the undergraduate program (i.e., second year course, second year clinical skills sessions), a link to second year course: Description of the second year course, objectives and topics covered and information on the Pediatrics Clerkship rotation. This area will also connect to potential pediatric electives. Secondly, Part b) Pediatric Residency will be a full separate secure area of the website with applications, orientation information, vacation/sick days/forms, curriculum information, schedules, contact information, Clinical Rotations and learning materials as well as current residents: pictures. Links to all learning management systems and important websites will be added: One45, D2L, Canadian Pediatric Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Important Dates. Teaching rounds, Conferences; Pediatric Special Interest Group; and any other content derived from the needs assessment. The users will then be surveyed following the introduction of the website to determine if it contributes to a greater level of communication and engagement in the educational program.