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White Rose Extension Project


The White Rose Extension Project is pursued by Husky Energy, and it will be completed by 2016 or 2017. The project is mainly used by extending the field of White Rose platform. There are two options to finish this project well. One option is using the wellhead platform to further extend the field; the other one is using much more subsea drill to finish this task. Unfortunately, Husky Energy does not decide which one should be applied for the project. The wellhead platform is more stable and safe than subsea drill in the White Rose field. Because the wellhead platform is fixed at the offshore site, it will not be affected seriously by kinds of environmental conditions. Subsea drill will be much more dangerous in the harsh environment of the White Rose field. No matter how good the wellhead platform is, it has a terrible problem which cannot be avoided. Because the designed wellhead platform will be too large, it will cost too much work hours and money. It is not easy to decide which option will be the better one. The following details will provide the advantage, disadvantage and challenge for these two options. The paper will also provide which option should be a better choice for such significant White Rose Extension Project.