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An Evaluation of a programme of Problem-Based Learning within a Clinical Psychology Doctorate

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Problem-Based learning (PBL) is a widely used teaching method in UK Clinical Psychology training. This study considers the experience of using PBL as part of the University of Bath's Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. Questionnaire and focus group analyses suggest PBL was predominantly experienced as useful by trainees when completed during the first year of clinical training, especially in terms of skill development around leadership and team working; which was maintained at two-year follow-up when the same cohort of trainees completed an adapted version of the questionnaire during their third year of training. Trainees suggested some difficulties with PBL (e.g. anxieties concerning the lack of a teacher) and suggested improvements (e.g. to timetabling and the case vignette), which have helped sculpt new PBL teaching for subsequent trainees. This study has its limitations, and future research is recommended to further evaluate the use of PBL within clinical psychology training courses nationally.