The driving forces for the phase transitions of ABX3 hybrid organic–inorganic perovskites have been limited to the octahedral tilting, order–disorder, and displacement. Now, a complex structural phase transition has been explored in a HOIP, [CH3NH3][Mn(N3)3], based on structural characterizations and ab initio lattice dynamics calculations. This unusual first‐order phase transition between two ordered phases at about 265 K is primarily driven by changes in the collective atomic vibrations of the whole lattice, along with concurrent molecular displacements and an unusual octahedral tilting. A significant entropy difference (4.35 J K−1 mol−1) is observed between the low‐ and high‐temperature structures induced by such atomic vibrations, which plays a main role in driving the transition. This finding offers an alternative pathway for designing new ferroic phase transitions and related physical properties in HOIPs and other hybrid crystals.