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Science-based, Futurist Megatrends

Published by: Faculty of Education


Music makes it possible for human beings to express what our experiences have put in our hearts; to share what it means to be a human being on this earth with our fellow human beings. Music can entertain us away from the daily concerns of our lives-and that is good. It can arouse us, engage us, dance us, calm us, restore us, make us weep, and even help heal us when we are ill- and that is good. The roots of what we call singing began before language, with expressive sound-making. Mothers and fathers lulled their babies to sleep. Whoops, shouts, and rhythmic leaping erupted at the kill of an animal that would feed several families. The wailing moans of a man or woman that poured out at the death of a mate. These human roots of singing are the important reasons that we do what we do. For the most part, this paper will address how neuromuscular skills and brain-compatible teaching can serve those roots, helping self-expression through music become richer and deeper in expressive power. No matter how analytical and technical any discussion of singing or voices becomes, may we always remain connected to our roots.