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Optimal PM2.5 emission reduction strategies for an industrial park based on China’s 12th five-year plan on air pollution prevention and control


Over the past decades, China has been undertaking extremely rapid industrialization and urbanization. Along with economic boom, many adverse environmental effects are emerging. Among them, it is of great significance for the country to deal with air pollution such as PM2.5. As a compound pollutant, PM2.5 is composed of many significant pollutants (e.g., SO2, NOx, and TSP) that are closely related with many industrial activities in China. Till now, there have been few studies exploring and managing relationship between PM2.5 emission reduction and the associated industrial park that is a park to multiple industries such as power plants and manufacturing industries. This research introduced a supply-chain mechanism to systematically evaluate PM2.5 emission of industrial parks. To tackle the problems of PM2.5 emission reduction and industrial park management, an optimization model was proposed. Then the proposed model was applied into a pulp and paper industrial park to support the formulation of optimized strategies that can help fulfill the national plan. The results indicated that the reduction amounts of SO2, NOx, and TSP should be 126, 247, and 146 t per year in the manufacturing plant (i.e., a pulp mill in this research), and the reduction amounts of SO2, NOx, and TSP should be 291, 31, and 61 t per year in paper-making mill. Therefore, the proposed model was useful for management of air pollution as a decision tool in the level of a industrial park.