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The Beauty is…Tracking physical affirmations of love


Often, new researchers will undertake their first data collection research project solely as a means to study the art of research without any regard for personal connection, growth, or emotional catharsis. Certainly, that was the case when this researcher initially approached personal data collection simply as an arduous course requirement for a first year PhD course. However, through the journey of collecting, analyzing, and artfully representing, she discovered the poignantly ethereal voice of personal data collection through visual and aural representation. Given the reflective and personal nature of this data collection project the researcher used journaling, poetic inquiry (Faulkner 2018), aspects of narrative inquiry, as well as art-based visual data, all under the umbrella of auto-ethnography (Adams 2018). It also seemed appropriate that its artistic depiction should be an aural soundtrack depicted through music wholly representing personal everyday while demonstrating how collection and research can be personal, fulfilling, poignant, artistic, and fun!