This study aimed to predict motor coordination from a matrix of biocultural factors. The sample included 173 children (89 boys, 84 girls) aged 7-9 years assessed on the Körperkoordinationtest für Kinder test battery. Socioeconomic variables included built environment, area of residence, educational level and physical activity of the mothers [using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ; short version)]. The behavioural domain was marked by participation in organized sports and habitual physical activity measured by accelerometry (ActiGraph GT1M accelerometers). Indicators of biological development included somatic maturation and body mass index (BMI). Among males, the best logistic regression model to explain motor coordination (Nagelkerke R2=50.8; χ2=41.166; p<0.001) emerged from age group [odds ratio (OR): 0.007-0.065], late maturation (OR=0.174), normal body weight status (OR=0.116), educational level of the mother (OR=0.129) and urban area of residence (OR=0.236). It was also possible to obtain a logistic regression model for girls (Nagelkerke R2=40.8; χ2=29.933; p<0.01) derived from age (OR: 0.091-0.384), normal BMI (OR=0.142), participation in organized sport (OR=0.121) and physical activity level of the mother (OR=0.183). This sex-specific approach to proficiency level in motor coordination may be relevant for the ecological promotion of physical activity during pre-pubertal years and recommends a focus on family, in parallel to inter-individual variability in developmental biology.