The City of Bath is a historical UNESCO world-heritage site and is an instructive case study in how the history, architecture and development of a city can be closely connected to the city’s relationship with its river, the River Avon. As the City has always been located close to the river, communities in Bath have experienced the effects of flooding since the Roman times. Bath has a particularly rich record of historical evidence left on buildings in the City (the earliest flood mark dates back to 1823) as well as documentary evidence in contemporary newspapers and technical reports.
This book hopes to take you on a journey of flooding through the ages. Starting from some important historical flood events and the multiple efforts of the City to combat the scourge of flooding, Dr Ioanna Stamataki and Dr Thomas Kjeldsen describe the different phases of the current Bath Flood Defence Scheme and discuss how historical flood events from 1823 to 1960 in the City of Bath were reconstructed using a 1D hydraulic model. This research area, drawing from the combination of the use of historical documentary evidence and modern technological modelling techniques, allows an assessment of long-term flood risk of the City and paves new avenues towards future research.