Lab-on-Chip is a technology that aims to transform the Point-of-Care (PoC) diagnostics field; nonetheless a commercial production compatible technology isyet to be established. Lab-on-Printed Circuit Board (Lab-on-PCB) is currentlyconsidered as a promising candidate technology for cost-aware butsimultaneously high specification applications, requiring multi-componentmicrosystem implementations, due to its inherent compatibility with electronicsand the long-standing industrial manufacturing basis. In this work, wedemonstrate the first electrolyte gated field-effect transistor (FET) DNAbiosensor implemented on commercially fabricated PCB in a planar layout.Graphene ink was drop-casted to form the transistor channel and PNA probeswere immobilized on the graphene channel, enabling label-free DNA detection. Itis shown that the sensor can selectively detect the complementary DNAsequence, following a fully inkjet-printing compatible manufacturing process. The results demonstrate the potential for the effortless integration of FET sensorsinto Lab-on-PCB diagnostic platforms, paving the way for even higher sensitivityquantification than the current Lab-on-PCB state-of-the-art of passive electrodeelectrochemical sensing. The substitution of such biosensors with our presentedFET structures, promises further reduction of the time-to-result in microsystemscombining sequential DNA amplification and detection modules to few minutes,since much fewer amplification cycles are required even for low-abundancenucleic acid targets.