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Association of CTLA-4 gene 49 G/A polymorphism in breast cancer patients with invasive ductal carcinoma

Published by: IJHS Medical Association


Background: Weak immunity surveillance has been the main reason for progression and rapid development of various cancers reported. Though the association between cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) gene 49 G/A polymorphism and breast cancer has been widely assessed, a definitive conclusion remains elusive and still focused by scientific community. The present study aims to evaluate the potential influences of CTLA-4 gene polymorphisms on breast cancer risk in invasive ductal carcinoma of tumor tissue and healthy tissues.Results: Tumor tissue of forty confirmed breast cancer patients were included as cases. The same forty patients’ adjacent non-tumor tissue samples were considered as controls. The prevalence of AA, GG and AG genotypes was 42.1. %, 15.8.2% and 42.8% in the tumor tissue and non-tumor tissues respectively. Individuals containing tumor and non-tumor tissue samples showed significance in breast cancer, in which homozygous A/A and heterozygote G/A found to be more significant than G/G genotype.Conclusion: The study confirmed that the presence of at least one ‘A’ allele may increase the risk of breast cancer when compared to the presence of ‘G’ allele in same patient.