Airbus UpNext has launched an Advanced Superconducting and Cryogenic Experimental powertraiN Demonstrator (ASCEND) project in 2021 to develop a superconducting electric aircraft propulsion system. The demonstrator system power is rated at 500 kW with the dc voltage of 300 V. A dc networks can achieve smaller footprint and improved distribution efficiency. However, fault management in dc networks is much more challenging than ac systems because: firstly, there is no natural zero-crossing of the current to isolate the fault; and secondly, the rate of rise of fault currents is often significantly higher due to lower system impedances. Resistive superconducting fault current limiter (RSFCL) is a passive device that provides protection without requiring external input, making it inherently reliable. Non-inductive bifilar pancake RSFCL coils supported by G10 former are designed and built based on ASCEND system specification. This paper will present the design of RSFCL using 2G high temperature superconductor tapes for ASCEND demonstrator. A dc fault current testing circuit is built for testing of RSFCL. RSFCL is experimentally tested from 65 K to 77 K in the sub-cooled liquid nitrogen cryostat. The current limitation and recovery time are compared for different operating temperatures. In conclusion, RSFCL using HTS tapes demonstrates effective and fast current limitation within 1ms, which significantly improves the reliability of the system.