
Results: 6
Brain ageing changes proteoglycan sulfation, rendering perineuronal nets more inhibitory.
Chondroitin sulfate (CS) proteoglycans in perineuronal nets (PNNs) from the central nervous system (CNS) are involved in the control of plasticity and memory. Removing PNNs reactivates plasticity and restores memory in models of...
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Calculating the Degradation Rate of Individual Proteins Using Xenopus Extract Systems.
The Xenopus extract system has been used extensively as a simple, quick, and robust method for assessing the stability of proteins against proteasomal degradation. In this protocol, methods are provided for assessing the...
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Lactonic Sophorolipids Increase Tumor Burden in Apcmin+/- Mice.
Sophorolipids (SL) are amphiphilic biosurfactant molecules consisting of a disaccharide sophorose with one fatty acid at the C1 position and optional acetylation at the C6'and C6" positions. They exist in a closed ring lactonic...
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Assessing Ubiquitylation of Individual Proteins Using Xenopus Extract Systems.
Xenopus extract systems have been used to study ubiquitylation of proteins, and to uncover some of the fundamental processes of the ubiquitylation pathway itself. They provide a simple, quick, and robust method for studying...
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Photosynthetically Controlled Spirulina, but Not Solar Spirulina, Inhibits TNF-α Secretion
An array of infections, including the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), trigger macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) and subsequently hypercytokinemia, commonly referred to as a cytokine storm (CS). It is postulated that CS is...
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