
Results: 6
The Ursinus Weekly, March 10, 1941
Dr. Luther Harr warns the Haines Society of laziness in government Dr. Catharine Macfarlane to speak at women's vocational conference Shaw called "showman of the western world" Fireside chats back Food for Europe plan Arnold...
Published by: Ursinus College
The Ursinus Weekly, April 6, 1942
Earn $21 a day (once a month) as farm worker Curtain Club announces three cast selections for Mothers' Day plays Prom will present Criterions as highlight of gala junior weekend "Toy" characters to visit Ursinus on Mothers'...
Published by: Ursinus College
The Ursinus Weekly, November 16, 1942
Vespers speaker tells students of Christian anchors Old timers watch bears lose 12-0 to Gettysburg in final game of year Wednesday forum to hear executive of "France Forever" Former IRC prexy speaks on France Pearson...
Published by: Ursinus College