
Results: 11
Near-instant automatic access to visually presented words in the human neocortex
Rapid and efficient processing of external information by the brain is vital to survival in a highly dynamic environment. The key channel humans use to exchange information is language, but the neural underpinnings of its...
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Cholinergic modulation of Up-Down states in the mouse medial entorhinal cortex in vitro.
Cholinergic tone is high during wake and rapid eye movement sleep and lower during slow wave sleep (SWS). Nevertheless, the low tone of acetylcholine during SWS modulates sharp wave ripple incidence in the hippocampus and slow...
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Blood metabolite markers of neocortical amyloid-β burden
We believe this is the first study to investigate associations between blood metabolites and neocortical amyloid burden (NAB) in the search for a blood-based biomarker for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Further, we present the first...
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