Appropriate integration of cellular signals requires a delicate balance of ligand-target binding affinities. Increasing the level of residual structure in intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), which are overrepresented in...
During chemical transmission, the function of synaptic proteins must be coordinated to efficiently release neurotransmitter. Synaptotagmin 2, the Ca2+ sensor for fast, synchronized neurotransmitter release at the human...
Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is a potent proinflammatory signature of viral infection. Long cytosolic dsRNA is recognized by MDA5. The cooperative assembly of MDA5 into helical filaments on dsRNA nucleates the assembly of a...
The Hippo tumor suppressor pathway is essential for development and tissue growth control, encompassing a core cassette consisting of the Hippo (MST1/2), Warts (LATS1/2), and Tricornered (NDR1/2) kinases together with MOB1 as an...
Proteins are highly dynamic molecules, whose function is intrinsically linked to their molecular motions. Despite the pivotal role of protein dynamics, their computational simulation cost has led to most structure-based...
Most of the proteins in a cell assemble into complexes to carry out their function. It is therefore crucial to understand the physicochemical properties as well as the evolution of interactions between proteins. The Protein Data...
Viscosity sensitive fluorophores termed 'molecular rotors' represent a convenient and quantitative tool for measuring intracellular viscosity via Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM). We compare the FLIM performance...
Pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs) or Cys-loop receptors are involved in fast synaptic signaling in the nervous system. Allosteric modulators bind to sites that are remote from the neurotransmitter binding site, but...
This Communication reports the first general method for rapid, chemoselective, and modular functionalization of serine residues in native polypeptides, which uses a reagent platform based on the P(V) oxidation state. This...
Detection of translational noncrystallographic symmetry (TNCS) can be critical for success in crystallographic phasing, particularly when molecular-replacement models are poor or anomalous phasing information is weak. If the...
Structure determination of novel biological macromolecules by X-ray crystallography can be facilitated by the use of small structural fragments, some of only a few residues in length, as effective search models for molecular...
Telomeres are protein-DNA complexes that protect the ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes. Mammalian telomeric DNA consists of 5'-(TTAGGG)n-3' double-stranded repeats, followed by up to several hundred bases of a 3'...
Prion diseases are associated with conformational conversion of cellular prion protein into a misfolded pathogenic form, which resembles many properties of amyloid fibrils. The same prion protein sequence can misfold into...