Relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 4 (Rxfp4) expressing hypothalamic neurons modulate food intake and preference in mice.
Jo E Lewis,
Orla RM Woodward,
Danaé Nuzzaci,
Christopher A Smith,
Alice E Adriaenssens,
Lawrence Billing,
Cheryl Brighton,
Benjamin U Phillips,
John A Tadross,
Sarah J Kinston,
Ernesto Ciabatti,
Berthold Göttgens,
Marco Tripodi,
David Hornigold,
David Baker,
Fiona M Gribble,
Frank Reimann
Oct 21, 2022
OBJECTIVE: Insulin-like peptide 5 (INSL5) signalling, through its cognate receptor relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 4 (RXFP4), has been reported to be orexigenic, and the high fat diet (HFD) preference observed in...