
Results: 151
Ultrastructure and optics of the prism-like petal epidermal cells of Eschscholzia californica (California poppy).
The petals of Eschscholzia californica (California poppy) are robust, pliable and typically coloured intensely orange or yellow owing to the presence of carotenoid pigments; they are also highly reflective at certain angles...
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Spatial patterns and broad-scale weather cues of beech mast seeding in Europe.
Mast seeding is a crucial population process in many tree species, but its spatio-temporal patterns and drivers at the continental scale remain unknown . Using a large dataset (8000 masting observations across Europe for years...
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Temperature-Dependent Reproductive Enhancement of the Pea Aphid from Mutualistic Infection by the Symbiont Hamiltonella defensa
Ian T. Abrahams
Jan 01, 0001
Symbiosis between eukaryotes and prokaryotes is ubiquitous and has contributed to the origin of eukaryotes. Insects are the most abundant multicellular organisms and engage in symbiosis with diverse microbes, ranging from...
Published by: Ursinus College
Analyzing seasonality of tuberculosis across Indian states and union territories.
A significant seasonal variation in tuberculosis (TB) is observed in north India during 2006-2011, particularly in states like Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan. To quantify the seasonal variation, we measure average...
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Plants in the UK flower a month earlier under recent warming.
Global temperatures are rising at an unprecedented rate, but environmental responses are often difficult to recognize and quantify. Long-term observations of plant phenology, the annually recurring sequence of plant...
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Benefits of protected areas for nonbreeding waterbirds adjusting their distributions under climate warming.
Climate warming is driving changes in species distributions and community composition. Many species have a so-called climatic debt, that is, shifts in range lag behind shifts in temperature isoclines. Inside protected areas...
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Linking warming effects on phenology, demography, and range expansion in a migratory bird population.
Phenological changes in response to climate change have been recorded in many taxa, but the population-level consequences of these changes are largely unknown. If phenological change influences demography, it may underpin the...
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The impact of climate and antigenic evolution on seasonal influenza virus epidemics in Australia.
Although seasonal influenza viruses circulate globally, prevention and treatment occur at the level of regions, cities, and communities. At these scales, the timing, duration and magnitude of epidemics vary substantially, but...
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Warming-induced tipping points of Arctic and alpine shrub recruitment.
Shrub recruitment, a key component of vegetation dynamics beyond forests, is a highly sensitive indicator of climate and environmental change. Warming-induced tipping points in Arctic and alpine treeless ecosystems are, however...
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