
Results: 27
Systematic Assessment of the Accuracy of Subunit Counting in Biomolecular Complexes Using Automated Single-Molecule Brightness Analysis.
Analysis of single-molecule brightness allows subunit counting of high-order oligomeric biomolecular complexes. Although the theory behind the method has been extensively assessed, systematic analysis of the experimental...
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Single-Molecule Light-Sheet Imaging of Suspended T Cells.
Adaptive immune responses are initiated by triggering of the T cell receptor. Single-molecule imaging based on total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy at coverslip/basal cell interfaces is commonly used to study this...
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Bioorthogonal protein-DNA conjugation methods for force spectroscopy.
Accurate and stable site-specific attachment of DNA molecules to proteins is a requirement for many single-molecule force spectroscopy techniques. The most commonly used method still relies on maleimide chemistry involving...
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Single-Molecule Analysis of G Protein-Coupled Receptor Stoichiometry
How G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are organized at the cell surface remains highly contentious. Single-molecule (SM) imaging is starting to inform this debate as receptor behavior can now be visualized directly, without...
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Challenges of analysing stochastic gene expression in bacteria using single-cell time-lapse experiments.
Stochastic gene expression causes phenotypic heterogeneity in a population of genetically identical bacterial cells. Such non-genetic heterogeneity can have important consequences for the population fitness, and therefore cells...
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Cryo-EM single-particle structure refinement and map calculation using Servalcat.
In 2020, cryo-EM single-particle analysis achieved true atomic resolution thanks to technological developments in hardware and software. The number of high-resolution reconstructions continues to grow, increasing the importance...
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A global sampler of single particle tracking solutions for single molecule microscopy.
The dependence on model-fitting to evaluate particle trajectories makes it difficult for single particle tracking (SPT) to resolve the heterogeneous molecular motions typical of cells. We present here a global spatiotemporal...
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Atomic force microscopy for single molecule characterisation of protein aggregation.
The development of atomic force microscopy (AFM) has opened up a wide range of novel opportunities in nanoscience and new modalities of observation in complex biological systems. AFM imaging has been widely employed to resolve...
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Points for accumulation in nanoscale topography (PAINT) allows practically unlimited measurements in localisation microscopy but is limited by background fluorescence at high probe concentrations, especially in volumetric...
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