
Results: 2105
On the maintenance of bird song dialects
Many bird species, especially song birds but also for instance some
hummingbirds and parrots, have noted dialects. By this we mean that locally a particular song is sung by the majority of the birds, but that neighbouring...
Variability in Singing and in Song in the Zebra Finch
Cameron Wellock
Jan 01, 0001
Variability is a defining feature of the oscine song learning process, reflected in song and in the neural pathways involved in song learning. For the zebra finch, juveniles learning to sing typically exhibit a high degree of...
Published by: Rockefeller University
Assessing the Phylogenetic and Cultural Content of Learned Song
Nicole Creanza
Jan 01, 0001
In the oscine songbirds, song is learned by a juvenile from a tutor of the same species, in a pattern that is analogous to human language, and likewise has the potential to change over time by cultural evolution. The...
Published by: Rockefeller University
On the maintenance of bird song dialects
Many bird species, especially song birds but also for instance some
hummingbirds and parrots, have noted dialects. By this we mean that locally a particular song is sung by the majority of the birds, but that neighbouring...
William T. Fagan
Nov 19, 2013
Literacy is sometimes narrowly defined as a level of reading and writing below which a certain percentage of the population falls. This is the interpretation based on literacy surveys. Literacy may also be defined from a broader...
Published by: Faculty of Education
Traditional Song in Ireland
Nov 19, 2013
In this paper I propose to give a survey of the traditional song scene in Ireland, its main events and also to attempt an exploration of some of the issues which concern singers and indeed the wider community of musicians in...
Published by: Faculty of Education
Senescence of song revealed by a long-term study of the Seychelles warbler ( Acrocephalus sechellensis )
Abstract: Senescence is widespread in nature, often resulting in diminishing survival or reproduction with age, but its role in age-dependent variation in sexual traits is often poorly understood. One reason is that few studies...
Singing and Song
Dianne Cameron
Aug 04, 2017
The periodicity of natural signals from our environment since the dawn of life on earth has provided the foundation for development of rhythmic responses innate to living organisms, ranging from ancient bacteria to modern...
Published by: The Singing Network
Analysis of Immediate-Early Gene Expression in the Songbird Brain Following Song Presentation
The song system of oscine songbirds consists of the auditory and motor pathways used in the acquisition and production of learned song and provides powerful material for the study of neuronal and behavioral plasticity, both...
Published by: Rockefeller University
Traditional Song in Ireland
In this paper I propose to give a survey of the traditional song scene in Ireland, its main events and also to attempt an exploration of some of the issues which concern singers and indeed the wider community of musicians in...
Published by: Faculty of Education
Senescence of song revealed by a long-term study of the Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis).
Senescence is widespread in nature, often resulting in diminishing survival or reproduction with age, but its role in age-dependent variation in sexual traits is often poorly understood. One reason is that few studies of sexual...
February Provost Lecture Recounts Irish Storytelling, Song
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
"Land, Love, and Laughter: Irish Storytelling and Song" will begin at 11 a.m. in Dinkins Hall Auditorium. It is a cultural event. People are encouraged to bring their lunch.
Published by: Winthrop University
Singing and Song
Dianne Cameron
Aug 04, 2017
The periodicity of natural signals from our environment since the dawn of life on earth has provided the foundation for development of rhythmic responses innate to living organisms, ranging from ancient bacteria to modern...
Published by: The Singing Network
Senescence of song revealed by a long-term study of the Seychelles warbler ( Acrocephalus sechellensis )
Abstract: Senescence is widespread in nature, often resulting in diminishing survival or reproduction with age, but its role in age-dependent variation in sexual traits is often poorly understood. One reason is that few studies...
Senescence of song revealed by a long-term study of the Seychelles warbler ( Acrocephalus sechellensis )
Abstract: Senescence is widespread in nature, often resulting in diminishing survival or reproduction with age, but its role in age-dependent variation in sexual traits is often poorly understood. One reason is that few studies...
William T. Fagan
Nov 19, 2013
Literacy is sometimes narrowly defined as a level of reading and writing below which a certain percentage of the population falls. This is the interpretation based on literacy surveys. Literacy may also be defined from a broader...
Published by: Faculty of Education
The Strange Use of דגל in Song of Songs 5
JL Andruska
May 16, 2017
The use of the word דגל in the Song of Songs 5:10 has caused considerable confusion among commentators. Most occurrences of the word in the Song are thought to be related to an army or host carrying banners, except in 5:10...
Dominant male song performance reflects current immune state in a cooperatively breeding songbird.
Conspicuous displays are thought to have evolved as signals of individual "quality", though precisely what they encode remains a focus of debate. While high quality signals may be produced by high quality individuals due to...
Vernacular Song and the Folkloric Imagination at the Fin de Siècle
Ross Cole
Jun 15, 2018
This article foregrounds discrepancies between vernacular singing in England and the work of London’s Folk-Song Society during the 1890s. Figures such as Lucy Broadwood, Kate Lee, and Hubert Parry acted as gatekeepers...
EspF of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli Enhances Apoptosis via Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Intestinal Epithelial Cells
There have been large foodborne outbreaks related to Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) around the world. Among its virulence proteins, the EspF encoded by locus of enterocyte effacement is one of the most known...
Sam Barrett
May 14, 2019
New light is shed on the song culture of Sankt Gallen almost a century before its earliest notated sources through consideration of the poetic section of a manuscript copied at the Abbey shortly after the year 800, i.e....
Lesions of abdominal connectives reveal a conserved organization of the calling song central pattern generator (CPG) network in different cricket species
Abstract: Although crickets move their front wings for sound production, the abdominal ganglia house the network of the singing central pattern generator. We compared the effects of specific lesions to the connectives of the...
A Novel Method of Polynomial Approximation for Parametric Problems in Power Systems

Many problems in power systems depend on parameters, which could be stochastic variables or deterministic system control variables practically, e.g., generation outputs, nodal voltages, etc. Due to the nonlinearity of power...

Lesions of abdominal connectives reveal a conserved organization of the calling song central pattern generator (CPG) network in different cricket species.
Although crickets move their front wings for sound production, the abdominal ganglia house the network of the singing central pattern generator. We compared the effects of specific lesions to the connectives of the abdominal...
An Equivalent Model of Gas Networks for Dynamic Analysis of Gas-Electricity Systems

The increasing coupling between natural gas and electricity systems by gas-fired generation units brings new challenges to system analysis, such as pressure variations due to consumption perturbations of generation units. The...








