
Results: 62
The VARILEX Project - Spanish Lexical Variation
Spanish is a multinational language, spoken in very different geographical regions,that is developing with surprising vitality. Due to distance, there are many issuesthat cannot be adequately addressed by a small number of...
La Barranca del Rio Santiago as Tourist and Eco Touristic Attraction for the Brand Guadalajara Guadalajara, Focused on a National Tourism
The main purpose of this research is to show if the Barranca del Rio Santiago is a tourist attraction and ecotourism should be included in the Guadalajara brand, focused on national tourism. The research is exploratory and...
Published by: IGI Global
Dosimeter Sound Level Measurements in Practice Rooms
Alan J. Martin
Aug 04, 2017
Previous research suggests that musicians may be particularly susceptible to noise induced hearing loss (NIHL). To date, however, very few studies examined noise exposure acquired by university vocalists as they practice in...
Published by: The Singing Network
Multicriteria Methodology for Open Space Analysis
This paper describes an urban analysis method for the evaluation of the diversity of open spaces. Diversity is understood as the variety of options that a public space offers to the users, giving them the opportunity to choose...
Published by: IGI Global
L’intériorité pathique des mots
Cesare Del Mastro
Dec 20, 2016
Si la phénoménologie de Michel Henry renvoie l’humain à son ancrage dans la vieauto-affective, comment aborder dans un tel cadre philosophique deux des traitspropres au vivant humain, à savoir le langage et la création...
The Elephant in the Room
Emma Kaminskiy
Jun 23, 2015
Shared decision making (SDM) is an important tool for recovery-oriented practice in mental health services. It has been defined using narrow and broad conceptualizations. One overarching theme that merges the differing models is...
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Iran
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software packages have been widely implemented in the developed world since they first appeared on the market in the late 1970s. In the developing world, however, the lack of the human and...
Published by: IGI Global
This paper reports the findings of a study that examined the relationship between the age of introduction of English as a foreign language in a formal instructional setting and the acquisition of negation in English....
The Rise of China
The China threat theory has been prevalent in recent years. Focusing on each of the four East Asian states, this article examines why China is perceived as a threat. This article discusses the origin of China’s rapid economic...
Non-Interest Income and Financial Performance of Selected Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria
This study examined the effect of e-banking income, fee income, and firm size on market value added of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria. The eight banks categorised by Central Bank of Nigeria in 2014 to be Domestic Systematically...
Published by: IGI Global
Income Diversification and Financial Performance of Selected Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria
This study examined the effect of income diversification on financial performance of deposit money banks (DMBs) in Nigeria. Variables considered were commission, foreign exchange incomes, and firm age, which are proxies for...
Published by: IGI Global
Phonological priming and phonetic carry-over in two Danish-English bilinguals
In this study we investigate whether the phonetic carry-over effects (or gestural drift) reported in the literature as occurring in the speech of bilinguals after long-term phonological priming (i.e., several months), also occur...






