
Results: 4
How CSR Activities Affect Student Attitudinal and Behavioral Loyalty in the Lebanese Educational Sector?
The success of any organization is settled on its ability of initiating, sustaining, and retaining a good customer relationship based on loyalty. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) turned out to be considered as an efficient...
Published by: IGI Global
Metastasis in Neuroblastoma and Its Link to Autophagy.
Leila Jahangiri
Apr 17, 2023
Neuroblastoma is a paediatric malignancy originating from the neural crest that commonly occurs in the abdomen and adrenal gland, leading to cancer-related deaths in children. Distant metastasis can be encountered at diagnosis...
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Extreme Learning Machine-Based Age-Invariant Face Recognition With Deep Convolutional Descriptors
The principal intention of this paper is to study face recognition across age progression at two levels: feature extraction and classification. In other words, this work aims to prove the benefit of replacing the Softmax layer...
Published by: IGI Global
Fuzzy Vikor Application for Learning Management Systems Evaluation in Higher Education
Adopting learning management systems (LMS) in higher education has become a major focus of interest to implement e-learning. Evaluating the quality of LMS is important to improve learner outcomes and promote teaching strategy....
Published by: IGI Global